About Me
You’re a nature-loving gal who’s tuned into her body and the world around her.
You take a holistic approach to your health and understand that healing doesn’t come in a pill.
You’re so frustrated that you’re experiencing acne, menstrual problems, or unwanted symptoms after stopping hormonal birth control

- You want clear skin and painless periods.
- You want to be rid of the emotional pain and stress that acne or other hormonal issues are causing you.
- You want to feel VIBRANT again, in love with your body and your skin.
You trust that your body is capable of healing. All you need is someone (me!) to help guide you to that place of healing and transformation.

I'm here to help you
heal your skin and balance your hormones
by working with Nature’s medicine, including plant medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, mind-body techniques, and self-care practices.

My approach to healing is based on helping you reconnect with Nature and with yourself. I believe that a disconnection from who we are (a part of the wholeness that is Nature) is the root cause of disease.
Our work together will be heart-centered and intuitive, based in the wisdom of natural and holistic therapies. We’ll reconnect you with your wild roots that bridge you to the natural world and all of her healing medicine, including the powerful medicine that lies in your own mind.

Alchemy is the holistic process of transforming your inner experience to create outer transformation.
I guide you to do the inner physical and emotional work so that you can achieve clear skin and healthy hormones from the inside out.
We’ll unearth the healer that’s already within you–for truly holistic and transformational healing!

Self-compassion is a necessary part of the healing process.
Your healing will not be a straight path, but it’s important to trust that your body knows exactly how to heal, and it WILL heal.
Together we will work on ways to cultivate more self-love and understanding of where you are on your healing journey.

Hi, beautiful!
I’m Dr. Shannon.
I’m a naturopathic doctor, herbalist, and holistic women’s health practitioner.
- Naturopathic Doctor at Whole Systems Healthcare Boulder in Boulder, Colorado
- Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine
- CNME-approved post-graduate naturopathic medical residency in primary care at the NUNM Health Centers
- B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Music from Northern Arizona University
I know exactly how it feels to struggle with your skin and your hormones.
After I stopped the birth control pill, my hormones were a mess: I suddenly developed cystic acne and my menstrual cycle was nowhere to be seen!

Overnight, I went from having unblemished skin to a face full of huge, painful red zits. My confidence was shattered and I was absolutely devastated. I hated my body for doing this to me.
I hid my acne behind layers of makeup, avoided looking people in the eye, and spent my days squeezing my pimples and analyzing every detail of my skin in the mirror (and feeling so ashamed about it) or researching for hours the best ways to heal my skin and get my period back.
After trying endless diets, supplements, and skincare products that didn’t really help me, I discovered naturopathic medicine and learned how to heal my skin and restore my period with the right combination of holistic therapies.
Yet my symptoms didn’t fully resolve until I realized that I needed to heal more than just my physical problems.
For me, the birth control pill wasn’t the root cause of my symptoms; it was simply a catalyst that revealed an underlying imbalance within my body and mind–an imbalance rooted in living out of alignment with Nature.
I’ve come to realize that the root cause of all disease is ultimately a disconnection from Nature, from ourselves, and from each other; and that our bodies use symptoms as a language to communicate how we’re out of balance.
When we learn to understand our body’s language, we can return to a place of health and vitality–with clear skin, a healthy period, and happy hormones!

When I started taking a truly holistic approach to my health by working with natural medicine and healing my thoughts, emotions, and my connection to myself, my period came back and my skin cleared.
I no longer spent my days worrying and stressing about my skin, reading articles with mediocre advice about how to balance my hormones, or hiding away from the world because I woke up with yet another painful break-out. Instead, I felt empowered that my body was able to heal naturally and that my skin glowed from the inside out (no makeup needed!).
So trust me when I say that I know exactly what it takes to heal your skin and restore healthy periods--for good. No medications or harsh topical products needed.
Over the years, I’ve helped many women balance their hormones, heal their acne, and restore healthy menstrual cycles, helping them feel like themselves again.