When I was a naturopathic medical student, I wasn’t taught about astrology nor was I encouraged to study it while in school. Like many of my interests, it was piqued through my interactions with other students and people in my community. I learned there was this thing called “medical astrology”, and I—even as someone who was into such things as cold plunges and herbs and meditation and yoni steams—was at first skeptical that astrology was a legitimate field of study.
Yet I’ve always had an open mind, so with a surge of curiosity, I had my astrological natal chart read. And it blew. my. mind. There was SO much information in that one little chart that I had no idea existed. Information about who I was as a person, my childhood, my aspirations, my predispositions to disease, the precise ways I handled my emotions. And it all felt so powerfully true. I quickly embraced it all with a deep knowing that my astrological chart reflected the true essence of my individual being and that it also had so much more to teach me.
I began to read the works of Nicholas Culpeper and other physicians and herbalists who depended upon astrology. Several years ago, I attended a lecture by herbalist Sajah Popham and have been transformed by his approach to holistic herbalism ever since. He expertly weaves together astrology, alchemy, and other traditional healing philosophies, and I have learned so much from him throughout the years. (I have linked to his websites and book at the end of this post. I am not affiliated with Sajah Popham’s school nor do I receive any financial compensation for recommending his courses or products. I simply believe whole-heartedly in what he teaches.)
I myself do not claim to be an astrologer. I have nowhere NEAR the expertise of trained and professional astrologers. Astrology, especially the art of medical astrology, is an entire field of study unto itself and would take someone years to master. As a holistic health practitioner, I just have an intense curiosity for the field and the breadth of knowledge it contains, knowing that astrology is full of so much ancient wisdom and understanding—an understanding that can help us all reconnect to our roots, to Nature, to the Universe, and to ourselves and to one another. It is truly that healing.
So What is Astrology?
Astrology is the study of the cosmos and is based upon centuries of observations. Way back when, people didn’t have computers and smartphones to distract them. When the sun went down, they had the light of the fire and the flickering of the stars above, so they observed the patterns and movements of the celestial bodies—the planets, the stars, the sun and the moon. They were intimately aware of the astrological seasons and the influence of the celestial bodies on the cycles of the Earth, their agriculture, and their own bodies.
In astrology, there are seven “planets”: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. While the Sun and Moon aren’t considered planets in the current definition of the word, they are celestial bodies that we are able to see with our naked eyes here from our vantage point on Earth.
The Seven Planets of astrology hold a significant amount of symbolism. They correlate with the seven musical notes, the seven primary colors, the seven days of the week, and the seven chakras, among other seven-fold patterns. This realization alone was eye-opening to me—everything in this world truly is, and always will be, interconnected.
How Does Astrology Help Us Heal?
Astrology’s applications in medicine are guided by the philosophical principle: “As above, so below. As within, so without.” Like many traditional medicine philosophies, the microcosm of the human body is a reflection of the macrocosm of Nature and the Universe.
In his book Evolutionary Herbalism, Sajah Popham notes that just like telescopes help us observe things that are far away and microscopes help us to see things up close, astrological horoscopes allow us to see with clarity the cosmic forces influencing the human body, spirit, and soul. He states: “This medical application of “as above, so below” takes holistic medicine to entirely new levels, as we not only understand the whole plant and the whole person, but their relationship to the whole cosmos.”
As a language of symbols and patterns, astrology is a symbolic expression of our multi-dimensional being, depicted with planets, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects or planetary relationships. Astrological symbols reflect archetypal patterns in the natural world around us and the world within us—the macrocosm and the microcosm. These archetypal patterns are intricately weaved together to form our existence.
Our astrological natal chart reveals our inner nature; a complex pattern of our unique constitutions and temperaments, which was used as a diagnosis and treatment tool in ancient medicine (and still to this day for those who are trained in medical astrology). Medical astrology seeks to restore health and harmony in human beings by aligning our inner nature (the microcosm) to the outer Nature (the macrocosm).
To truly heal is to reconnect to Nature and to the Universe. In this way, we heal by aligning those parts of ourselves that are out of alignment with the natural world, with the natural order of things, and with the natural rhythms of the Earth and our Universe. We heal by aligning our inner nature—our soul’s purpose, our true way of being in this world that serves the collective good—to our outer Nature—that which is all around us. Our inner nature and our “outer Nature” are intricately interconnected; any healing that occurs within also occurs without.
Is Astrology a Science? Is Medicine an Art?
The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is quoted as saying: “A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Some modern-day people may scoff at this statement now and disregard Hippocrates’ quote as an artifact of an archaic approach to medicine, yet there is something profound in relating astrology to medicine. In fact, most trained physicians from the time of Hippocrates to around the 17th century were practicing astrologers, including ancient alchemist and physician Paracelsus. (It wasn’t until around the 17th century that physicians were no longer required to study astrology as a diagnosis tool.)
The roots of the word “physician” give us an interesting perspective into the original meaning of the word. The Latin root “physica” translates to “natural science” and the root word “fisique” means “art of healing.” A physician, therefore, is someone who practices “physic” or the “natural science or art of healing.”
Isn’t it beautiful to imagine the practice of medicine as both an art AND a science? Art and science aren’t mutually exclusive human activities. Science benefits from the open-mindedness and imagination of the artistic realm, and art can benefit from the practical application of the scientific or rational mind. The practice of medicine is truly an art form, not just a scientific endeavor. What is even more poetic is that physicians were long considered to be allies of the natural world, using both scientific and intuitive approaches to heal patients naturally. As we now know, the current medical paradigm is far from being an ally of this Earth or trusting in our bodies’ innate abilities to heal without the use of invasive or synthetic means.
Unfortunately, like many traditional healing modalities, astrology has been devalued in our mainstream culture. Take a quick look at Wikipedia and you’ll find astrology under its exhaustive list of “pseudosciences.” Yet how can something be a pseudoscience when it is based upon observations of the natural world? In science, empiricism—a foundational aspect of the scientific method—is based upon observations. As a field of study that has resulted from observing the movements and patterns of the celestial bodies, astrology is based upon centuries of observations!
Why I Embrace Astrology and the Metaphysical
Perhaps what is most healing about astrology is the meaning it provides. The quintessential question to life may just be “What is the meaning of all this?” Astrology allows us to derive meaning and symbolism in everything around us and within us, gifting us with insight straight from Nature. It allows us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level, allowing us to understand with profound clarity our ultimate purpose in life and to recognize our interconnectedness with all living beings.
Maybe it’s “woo-woo.” But I embrace the “woo” when it gives rich meaning to my life. It reminds me that we are all spiritual beings, interconnected and interdependent in a beautiful, loving, and abundant Universe.
Here’s a link to Sajah Popham’s website. I cannot recommend his book or his herbalism courses enough. He is truly amazing!
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Photos in the featured image are courtesy of Mira Cosic and Angelo Rosa.