What comes to mind when I say that it’s possible to “manifest” clear skin?
Does talking about manifestation feel a little too woo and New Age-y for you? (I totally get it, I used to think that too!)
Yet when it really comes down to it, it’s totally possible to use manifestation techniques to help you rewire your nervous system for clear skin.
Manifestation is the idea that you attract what you want in your life through your intentional thoughts. You want a new career? A new relationship? Clear skin?
According to the latest in neuroscience, the idea of manifestation isn’t just a hippie-inspired self-help practice: it’s definitely possible to “reprogram” your mind with positive thoughts to change your actions and behaviors (which can lead you to manifest things like career and relationship changes) as well as change your physical body!
Yet the power of manifestation lies in much more than just “positive thinking.” Many people get caught up in positive affirmations, but then get frustrated when nothing seems to change.
That’s because it’s about much more than just saying to yourself “My skin is clear and glowing” or “I love and accept myself.”
If you don’t fully believe in what you’re saying to yourself, your body won’t either.
The purpose of positive thinking in manifestation is to “rewire” your nervous system and change your deep-seated subconscious beliefs about yourself, including healing from limiting beliefs instilled from past traumas and childhood conditioning.
That’s why your body has to be in a place where it believes you…and the only place it will believe you is if you are actively feeling positive emotions while you’re thinking those positive thoughts.
You have to really FEEL the positive emotions of love, joy, appreciation, or gratitude in your heart in order for your body to believe you and embrace the new belief system. This is how you tap into your subconscious, rewire your nervous system, and change your physical body…including your skin.
You might be asking, “Well, Dr. Shannon, this sounds interesting and all…but how will this clear my skin?”
When you rewire your nervous system to align with self-empowering thoughts and beliefs; as well as elevated feelings of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation; your response to stress improves. Your nervous system is healthier. Hormones like cortisol and progesterone get back into balance. Your immune system function improves. All of this benefits your skin!
Your nervous system is the bridge between your mind (thoughts, beliefs, emotions) and your physical body.
When you tap into this powerful system, you are literally tapping into your healing potential, and you can change your health (and your skin) for the better.
Let me share a powerful yet simple mind/body practice you can start incorporating now to manifest clear skin! (This exercise can also be found in my free guide “7 Days to Clearer Skin.”)
Heart Hold Practice
Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Place both hands over your heart space. Breathe slowly and deeply, focusing on the space beneath your hands. Think of someone or something you love, and feel the gratitude and love for that person (or your pet, or a past life experience you are grateful for) well up inside your heart center.
Now send that love back to yourself, and say to yourself, “I love myself. I accept myself. I approve of myself.” Likewise, you can also say, “My skin is clear, glowing, and radiant. My skin has healed.”
Repeat these words, focusing on your heart space and really feeling your love and gratitude while soaking in the medicine of your positive thoughts.
By consistently incorporating mind/body practices and “manifestation” techniques into your daily life, you can rewire your nervous system for healthy, clear skin!