December 11, 2019

Herbal Medicine for Sagittarius

Learn about the organ systems and energetics correlated with Sagittarius, and which herbs can best support all of us during this season.
Photo by Alekon

Happy solar return, Sagittarians! As of November 22, the Sun has been in our sign and it will stay in Sag until winter solstice on December 21.

This Fire sign enters our lives at the tail end of autumn, just as we begin to ready ourselves for the darkest and coldest part of the year in the northern hemisphere—winter. 


The key energetic patterns of the Sagittarius sign are:

  • Mode: Mutable
  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Jupiter

The changeable winds of the mutable mode lend themselves to dryness and tension. Dryness can manifest as dry skin and hair, constipation, and joint stiffness, with tension showing up as muscle pain and spasms, anxiety, stress, and emotional irritability. Sagittarians or those with a lot of Sag influencing their chart can tend towards the mutable qualities of nervous tension and restlessness. Their whole being has the itch to travel and explore! 

The Fire element is associated with heat and dryness. Those with prominent Sagittarian energy in their charts may suffer from excess Fire (the heat/excitation tissue state) such as inflammation, pain, or insomnia and fatigue resulting from excessive energy expenditure and burn-out. 

Likewise, digestive Fires tend to weaken and “burn out” during the autumn and winter months, so most of us could benefit from strengthening our digestive Fires during Sagittarius season. (We’ll get to how to do so in a minute!)

The hot planet Jupiter is prone to excess and can create a state of damp stagnation, particularly in the organ systems it rules: the liver and the arterial system. (See my Jupiter post to learn more about his organ system associations!) 

For Sagittarians, poor circulation may be a problem or they may be prone to hypertension and other forms of cardiovascular disease. Liver problems resulting from Jupiter’s influence can lead to poor detoxification and metabolic dysfunction, including the potential for metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, and high cholesterol). 


Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, and buttocks. These parts of our bodies require regular motion and stretching to maintain healthy mobility, so this combined with their often restless nature means that Sagittarians need to move! 

Daily movement is very important for Sagittarians in a number of ways—it helps keep their joints lubricated, reduces stress and tension, and maintains healthy circulation. It also keeps their tendency towards restlessness in check!

However, sometimes we need the wisdom of plants to bring balance to our bodies, minds, and spirits. Using corresponding energetic patterns, we can seek guidance from our plant allies to keep us healthy during Sagittarius season. 

To promote healthy Fire in the body, work with plant allies that reflect Fire qualities: warming and pungent herbs. 

Warming and pungent herbs increase digestive Fire and promote healthy circulation to the body’s vital organs, the periphery, and to the brain. While it may seem counterintuitive to give warming herbs to a fiery sign, pungent herbs are necessary during the wintry months when our digestive Fires are often at their weakest. Plants associated with the Fire element also stimulate arterial circulation, which is ruled by Sag. 

To promote digestion and circulation, befriend these warming plant allies:

  • Angelica archangelica: Angelica is an aromatic bitter that diffusely warms the vital organs and the periphery of the body. She stimulates arterial blood flow, relieving stagnation and congestion, especially in the digestive and respiratory tracts and the uterus. Like other members of the Umbelliferae family, Angelica is considered to be bear medicine: she encourages us to be introspective during the hibernation period that is winter, helping us tap into our inner knowing and “digest” all that we have taken in over the past year. 
  • Zingiber officinale (Ginger): Ginger is one of the most warming plants, quickly drawing heat into the center of the body and dispersing it through the periphery. As a bonus, Ginger also can help modulate inflammation and reduce the muscle aches and pains that imbalanced Sagittarians are prone to having. Chop up some fresh Ginger, add it to a mug along with a squeeze of lemon and a small spoonful of honey, and let it steep in hot water for a warming drink.
  • Allium sativum (Garlic): An easy addition to most meals, Garlic’s pungent flavor helps maintain our digestive Fire. Like Ginger, Garlic can also help our bodies modulate inflammation and ward off infections. 
  • Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary): As a member of the mint family, Rosemary has an affinity for warming the digestive system. She also promotes blood flow to the brain, helping with brain fog, memory, and headaches. Rub a sprig between your fingers and breathe in the beautiful scent to quickly clear your head and ground into your being. 
  • Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon): Cinnamon is excellent at inviting warmth into the body. She also can help the body regulate its blood sugar levels, which can tend towards the higher side given the excessive nature of Sag’s ruling planet Jupiter. Divulge in some cinnamon tea or (low-sugar!) spiced chai this season.

To soothe the tense mutable qualities of Sagittarius, work with nervine plants that help reduce excess sympathetic nervous system tone. 

For those of you who experience restlessness and anxiety this season, these plant allies may be able to offer you some relief:

  • Scutellaria lateriflora (Skullcap): Another member of the mint family, Skullcap is an important ally for restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, and muscle spasms. A strong infusion before bed can allow for restful sleep.
  • Tilia spp. (Linden): The Eclectic physicians knew that Linden was helpful for restlessness, tension headaches, and irritability. Linden also has an affinity for the arteries and is indispensable in certain cases of cardiovascular disease. As the motherly goddess of truth and love, she combines well with other nervine herbs, such as Hawthorn and Lemon Balm.

Since Sagittarians (and many of us during this time of year!) often suffer from excessive consumption and overindulgence, it is important to consistently and gently support the body’s detoxification pathways, primarily via the liver. (For more info about plants that aid the liver, see my previous post.)


While our beautiful plant allies teach our physical bodies how to find balance and wholeness, they also tend to our psychospiritual health. During this season, we are tending to our inner Fires—both in our homes and in our hearts—going deep within ourselves to perceive our inner wisdom and align with our truths. From this place of truth and heart-centered awareness, we rediscover genuine joy and our connectedness to all of Life. Our Sagittarius plant allies help us reawaken to this inherent part of our Being; an essential part of our well-being and vitality.

Even if Sagittarius does not play a significant role in your astrological chart, we could all benefit from Sagittarian plant medicine this month. Feel free to comment below and let me know what plant medicine you intend to work with this season!

- Shannon.

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