September 14, 2020

Your Emunctories: How Your Body Naturally Eliminates Waste and Toxins

First off, what are emunctories?

Our bodies are innately designed to deal with waste and toxins. All of our cells are constantly creating waste products as natural by-products of metabolism. These metabolic waste products are then transported via our blood and lymphatic system to our emunctories to be properly metabolized for excretion from the body. 

An emunctory is an organ of elimination, responsible for getting rid of waste.

There are six primary (or physiological) emunctories. These include the liver, kidneys, large intestine, lungs, skin, and vagina.

If the primary routes of elimination are functioning properly, our bodies are fully capable of detoxifying themselves normally. Yet if they are bogged down with toxicity or aren’t functioning well, then even our normal cellular waste products can lead to free radical damage, cellular degeneration, and symptoms of disease if not properly excreted.

Not only do our bodies metabolize and detoxify internally-generated toxic waste products, but our emunctories are responsible for metabolizing and excreting toxins we acquire from our environment, including medications, hormonal birth control, alcohol, and environmental pollutants. Unfortunately, we all know that our external environment has become increasingly toxic due to man-made chemicals and pollution, which puts an extra burden on our body’s detox capabilities.

The liver is the primary organ for metabolizing and detoxifying toxins, and then those metabolites are sent to the other emunctories for complete elimination from the body.

Primary Emunctories (Physiological)

Aside from the liver, there are 5 primary emunctories. These are your body’s natural routes of elimination and are an innate part of your physiology. 

The primary emunctories:

  • Large intestine (solid waste)
  • Kidneys and urinary tract (liquid waste)
  • Lungs (gaseous waste)
  • Skin (sweat)
  • Vagina (menses and normal vaginal secretions)

Have you ever thought about how important it is to sweat on a regular basis? Or the health benefits of monthly menstruation? Or deep breathing? Or pooping regularly? Or drinking enough water so you aren’t dehydrated and your kidneys can function properly? These all impact your body’s ability to naturally detoxify!

If your liver and other primary emunctories become overloaded with toxins, your secondary emunctories will attempt to excrete the waste via pathological discharges (physical symptoms indicative of disease). This is where symptoms like acne or recurrent yeast infections come in.

Secondary Emunctories (Pathological)

Your secondary emunctories open up when the physiological processes of your primary emunctories become overloaded and sluggish.

For example, while your skin helps your body eliminate waste products through healthy sweating, it will exhibit “pathological discharges” when your other emunctories are taxed, such as acne or rashes.

The secondary emunctories:

  • Skin (rashes, acne, eczema, excessive sweating with body odor, etc.)
  • Mucous membranes of:
    • Gastrointestinal tract (i.e. diarrhea)
    • Urogenital tract (i.e. UTIs, vaginal infections)
    • Respiratory tract (i.e. sputum)

Over time, if your body can’t keep up with the burden, it will wisely attempt to store the toxins in places where less harm can be done: muscles, joints, adipose tissue, and blood vessels. Yet this can lead to more serious disease, including chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, and growths and tumors.

The Importance of Keeping Your Emunctories Open

Your body has an incredible system in place to keep it fully functioning and in balance. Your organs of elimination are a key aspect of maintaining this homeostasis, and when they aren’t functioning properly, symptoms of disease can result. “Opening up” your emunctories is essentially making sure your liver, kidneys, colon, and skin are working optimally (and that you’re menstruating regularly, if you’re a menstruating female).

Stay tuned for a series of blog posts on your emunctories! I’ll dive into each organ system and how to support each one with regular health practices that you can start incorporating into your lifestyle.

Check out my other posts in the emunctory series:
How to support your liver
– How to support your kidneys and lungs

- Shannon.

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