August 17, 2022

Got acne? 10 signs you might need liver support

When you start looking into a natural approach to healing your acne, often you’ll find people recommending that you “support your liver.”

That’s because your liver has *many* important functions that can affect your skin health if it isn’t working efficiently!

Your liver is responsible for all major aspects of metabolism, including blood sugar, protein, and fat metabolism.

As a key organ of elimination, your liver is also the primary organ through which all cellular wastes and environmental toxins get filtered, metabolized, and detoxified.

Your liver also:
▶️ Produces bile, which is necessary for fat digestion and absorption of fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K
▶️ Produces cholesterol, which forms the backbone of your hormones and vitamin D (which is a hormone and not a vitamin)
▶️ Stores vitamin B12, essential for hormone and skin health

So does EVERYONE with acne need liver support??

Not necessarily, although in my experience as a naturopathic doctor working with acne, I’ve found that *most* people with acne benefit from it.

So how do you know if you need liver support? Scroll down for 10 signs you might benefit from a some liver TLC! 👇

⚠️ HOWEVER, it’s important to not rush into liver support *before* you’ve supported other organs of elimination (like your kidneys and colon) and reduce your toxic load, or else you may experience acne flares.

10 signs you might need liver support

  1. You have a history of medication or birth control pill use.
  2. You drink alcohol regularly.
  3. You’re sensitive to coffee or alcohol, or they tend to break you out.
  4. You’re regularly exposed to environmental toxins like pesticides or pollution.
  5. You have PMS, painful periods, or other period problems.
  6. You struggle with irritability and suppressed anger.
  7. You break out around your eyebrows or temples.
  8. Your acne tends to flare before your period.
  9. You have itchy skin.
  10. You have allergies or lots of food sensitivities.

So how can you support your liver?

  • Avoid liver toxins, like alcohol, Tylenol, and foods that are sprayed with toxic pesticides/herbicides like glyphosate (i.e. non-organic wheat products). 
  • Incorporate more liver-supportive foods into your diet, like broccoli, beets, and artichoke.
  • Start your morning off with warm lemon water on an empty stomach to stimulate liver function.

Check out this blog post for more liver-lovin’ tips!

In my Naturally Radiant Skin program, we spend a whole week talking about how to support your liver and other organs of elimination (lymphatics, gut, kidneys, and even your lungs!).

I also teach you exactly how to know which of your elimination organs need support using your symptoms AND your breakouts as a guide!

- Shannon.

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