April 10, 2023

How to do a spring cleanse for clear skin

Do you ever get the urge to do some spring cleaning this time of year?

Like getting rid of those old clothes that have been piling up in your closet, cleaning out the garage, dusting your shelves that haven’t seen a duster in the last year…

For those of us in the northern hemisphere right now, spring season is the start of a new cycle. It brings with it fresh energy and the desire to change things up–out with the old and in with the new!

That’s because your body’s natural inclination during the spring season IS to cleanse, both inside and out.

Your body’s detoxification organs (think lymphatics, liver, kidneys, and colon) are “waking up” after the winter season and are ready to clear out stagnation.

Your body naturally knows how to detoxify.

But sometimes those pathways can get a little “clogged up” and need some extra support, especially when you’re transitioning out of winter (a season where you typically eat heavier foods and have a slower metabolism) into the lighter and more metabolically active season of springtime.

That’s one reason why colds and allergies can spring up this time of year–your body may be having a hard time detoxifying, clearing things out, and adjusting to the new season.

I’m not a big fan of the word “detox” or “cleanse”–because 1) your body already knows how to detoxify and 2) your body isn’t dirty and does not need to be “cleansed”!

So know that I use the word “spring cleanse” because everyone gets the gist of what that means, but really it’s all about supporting your body’s innate ability to clear out wastes and toxins while nourishing yourself with food, herbs, and self-care.

Here’s my version of a spring cleanse:

My “Spring Cleanse” for Healthy, Clear Skin

The goal of this “cleanse” is to support your body as it naturally upregulates your innate metabolic and detoxification pathways during the transition into spring. This time of year, your body craves lighter foods, more movement, more sunshine and time outdoors, and a little extra nourishment!

This cleanse is intended to be done for 7-14 days for best results, but if you feel called to continue it longer, feel free!

As always, please speak to your healthcare practitioner before starting any new herbs or supplements or changing your healthcare regimen, especially if you’re on any medications. This information is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice.

For 7-14 days, incorporate the following nutritional, self-care, and herb/supplement recommendations:


  • Eat bitter spring greens with every meal to support your digestion and liver health (i.e. arugula, dandelion leaves, baby lettuce, chard, miner’s lettuce, chickweed, pea shoots, and watercress)  
  • Eat lighter foods (like chickpeas and artichokes, over heavier starches like potatoes and rice) and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables (rather than frozen or canned)
  • If you eat meat, incorporate more lighter, lean meats and fish (versus ‘heavier’ red meats)
  • Avoid sugar and processed foods
  • Add fresh herbs or berries to your filtered drinking water or spring water to stay hydrated (proper hydration supports optimal kidney and lymphatic function)

Self-Care Practices

  • Get 15 minutes of morning sun exposure first thing upon waking
  • Move your body daily, ideally outside in the sun and fresh air
  • Ground your body and regulate your nervous system by putting your bare feet on the Earth for at least 15 minutes every day, ideally first thing in the morning
  • Tend to your inner mental/emotional landscape by journaling on new beginnings and how you wish to manifest your dreams (read this blog post for more mental/emotional self-care practices for the spring season!)

Herbs and Supplements

  • Take a few drops of a bitter herbal tincture before each meal to stimulate liver detoxification and healthy digestion (I have my favorite bitters listed in my “Spring Cleanse for Healthy Skin” protocol on my Fullscript medicinary!)
  • Drink an herbal tea containing lymphatic- and liver-supportive herbs (including Burdock root and Dandelion root) twice daily, like those found in my Clear Skin Tea
  • If you struggle with digestive problems, such as constipation, bloating, or loose stools, consider taking Triphala. Triphala is an Ayurvedia herbal formula that acts as a gentle bowel mover (NOT a laxative!), helping to support peristalsis (the movement of your intestines) so that you can better eliminate wastes via your stool. I recommend this Triphala formula, as its organic and sustainably sourced. (Use code “SHANNON15” for 15% off.) Simply add 1/2 tsp of the triphala powder to a glass of water and drink twice daily, ideally 30 minutes after a meal.

After incorporating this “spring cleanse”, you should notice improvements in your sleep, mood, energy levels, digestion…and the health of your skin!

Ready for naturally clear skin? Download my FREE guide “7 Days to Clearer Skin” to get started!

- Shannon.

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